Git and Github

How to Create a Remote Github repository

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In this article, I will be listing down a few basic instructions to create a remote repository in git. Creating a remote Git repository is a two-step process. First, you need to create a remote repository on your Git hosting system (Github) and then you can push your local changes to it. Let us now take a look at these steps.

Creating a repository on Github

Step 1: Go to Sign in/Sign up

Step 2: Click on the “+” sign in the top right and click New Repository:

Step 3: In the new repository page, enter the name (github-demo). Click on the checkbox to “Add a Readme” file. Add a description if required. Click on “Create Repository”:

Github New Repository

This creates a repository as follows:


Create a Local Repository

The next step is to create a local git repository. For this, you need to follow the steps given below.

Step 4: Open a command prompt/terminal window/git bash prompt

Step 5: Clone the newly created repository by running the following command (Replace <githubusername> with your own username):

git clone<githubusername>/github-demo.git

This command creates the github-demo directory on your local system.

Step 6: Add the necessary files to this directory. For the sake of simplicity, I will be adding just one file called Hello.txt  to the github-demo directory. However, you can add all your source code files.

Step 4: Add the newly added files to the local repository. Since I have just the Hello.txt, I will use the following command (after navigating to the github-demo directory):

git add Hello.txt

Step 7: Commit files to your local repository:

git commit -m "Initial commit"

Step 8: Push the changes to the remote repository:

git push origin main

In your browser window, refresh the page and verify that the newly added “Hello.txt” is shown on Github:

You can similarly add your code changes to this repository as required.

Further Learning


So, in this article, we saw how to create a remote Github repository.


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