Create a REST service in Java using JAX-RS and Eclipse

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Posted By admin

In this article, I will be demonstrating creating a REST service in Java using JAX-RS and Eclipse. I will be using Maven and Eclipse.

Create a Project and And Maven Support

Step 1 – Follow the steps in this article to create a web project in Eclipse with Maven Support. You should see a project as follows:

Step 2 – Add Maven dependencies for JAX-RS and Jersey as follows:



Modify web.xml

In the WebContent/WEB-INF/web.xml file, add the following content:

   <servlet-name>LearnJava JAX-RS Jersey Application</servlet-name>
   <servlet-name>LearnJava JAX-RS Jersey Application</servlet-name>

Add Code

Create a new class in src called HelloWorldService as follows:

public class HelloWorldService {
  public String getGreeting() {
    return "Hello World!";


Step 1 – Right Click on Project –> Run As –> Maven Build

Step 2 – If prompted, enter the goals as Clean Install


Step 1 – Setup Tomcat in Eclipse if nor already setup. Refer to this blog post for detailed steps

Step 2 – Deploy your application to Tomcat. Refer to this blog post for detailed steps.


Testing Via Browser

Open a browser window and type the following URL:


This will display the following page:


So this is how you can create a REST service in Java using JAX-RS and Eclipse.

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