
Spring Annotation-Based Configuration Example

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In this article, I will be demonstrating how to configure a standalone Spring application using annotation-based configuration. I will be using Eclipse and Maven. In order to get a basic introduction to Spring, you can check out this article. In order to understand how to configure a standalone Spring application using XML configuration, you can refer to this article. In order to understand how to configure a standalone Spring application using Java configuration, you can refer to this article.

Project Set-up

Step 1 – Create a new Maven Project in Eclipse. You can refer to this article on how to create a Maven project in Eclipse.

Step 2 – Add Spring dependencies to the maven pom file. You can add the following:


Creating Beans

Create the following bean classes:


public class MessageDAO {
  public String getMessage() {
    return "Hello World";


MessageDAO is a simple class that has only one method getMessage()This returns a String value.  It has the @Repositoryannotation. This extends from the org.springframework.stereotype.Componentannotation. So it indicates that MessageDAO is a Spring component.


public class MessageService {
  private MessageDAO messageDAO;

  public void printMessage() {
    String message = messageDAO.getMessage();

  public MessageDAO getMessageDAO() {
    return messageDAO;

  public void setMessageDAO(MessageDAO messageDAO) {
    this.messageDAO = messageDAO;


MessageService has a method printMessage. It uses the MessageDAOto obtain the message and prints it. It has a private field corresponding to MessageDAOand getter/setter methods for it.It has the @Serviceannotation.  Like @Repositorythis also extends from the org.springframework.stereotype.Componentannotation and indicates that MessageService is a Spring component.

ThemessageDAOfield has the @Autowiredannotation.  This tell Spring that the container should configure this dependency. So Spring tried to find a bean of MessageDAOtype. If it finds a matching bean, it injects it by invoking the setter method.

Configuration File

Create a file ApplicationContext.xml in the src/main/resources folder as follows:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<beans xmlns="http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans"
	<context:component-scan base-package="learnjava.demo"/>


This ApplicationContext.xml is the spring configuration file.  Since we are using annotation based configuration, the configuration file does not contain any bean definitions as explained here.  Instead, it has the <context:component-scan>tag. So Spring automatically scans all the packages under the base-package, which in this case is the “learnjava.demo” package.  It identifies all classes that have the @Componentannotation and its derivatives. These are treated as beans and created by the Spring container.  So since the MessageDAO

has the @Repositoryannotation, Spring treats it as a bean and injects it into the MessageServiceclass.  Similarly, the MessageService

has the @Serviceannotation and so that is created as a bean as well.

Writing Main Code

Create a class Main.java with the following code:

ClassPathXmlApplicationContext applicationContext = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext("ApplicationContext.xml");
MessageService messageService = applicationContext.getBean("messageService", MessageService.class);

The org.springframework.context..ApplicationContextinterface represents the Spring Container. This code first creates a ClassPathXmlApplicationContextinstance which is an implementation of the ApplicationContextinterface.  There are several other implementations too. The ClassPathXmlApplicationContextis used in case of an XML configuration.

ApplicationContexthas a method getBean. The code invokes this method in order to obtain theMessageService. The code then invokes the printMessagemethod.

So on execution, this code prints the following output:

Hello World

Further Learning

Spring MasterClass
Spring Tutorial For Beginners
Step by Step Spring MVC Tutorial
Spring Framework in Easy Steps


So in this article, we saw a Spring Java annotation configuration example. We saw how to configure a standalone Spring application via annotation-based class configuration.

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